Just FYI: puppets are once again coming on the horizon . . . in November/December I'm directing The Great Bollywood Puppet Holiday Extravaganza! or whatever the heck we're gonna call it. The important things: it's gonna have puppets. It's gonna have Bollywood. And it's gonna be SO FUN!
I, being myself, have already started doing research. Not the fun movie kind, but the picky books kind. What can I say -- I have an English degree. Research is fun!
My current goal . . . to make a few puppets that look like Bollywood stars. Like: Amitabh Bachchan,
Shah Rukh Khan,
And Ashwarya Rai, perhaps.
I'm gonna do tons of research, along with my intrepid Assistant Director Dave Dyson, and we're gonna work on Bhangra and hip hop and Bollywood Dance, and watch a lot of movies, and make more puppets, and get some costume pieces together, and teach people how to fold saris . . . etc. It's gonna be, as I believe I mentioned, SO FUN!
but in the meantime, come see Theater: The Musical -- May 1-31, Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays.
And check out 3dayslater.net. Unrelated. But you might recognize some familiar faces . . .
1 comment:
I am Ramdas Padhye Ventriloquist, Puppeteer and Puppet Maker from India performing for last 40 years in India and abroad.
I have already made puppets of several Bollywood personalities.
You can check out my website www.vpuppets.com
Also check out my blog http://vpuppets.blogspot.com
Do email me on ramdaspadhye@gmail.com if you want the puppets.I even have an entire team of puppeteers who can operate the puppets
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